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be poor 예문


  • Most importantly, she doesn't look down on me for being poor
    가장 중요한 건, 내가 가난하다고 멸시하지 않아.
  • But all I could think about was poor Kathleen.
    그 날은 가여운 캐틀린 생각뿐이었지
  • You girls want to be poor and have a bad education?
    그래도 너희들 교육만은 제대로 시키고 싶다고
  • But I was poor and... It happens a lot.
    그런 일들은 흔히 있었죠
  • And not being poor is better than the opposite.
    돈은 있는 게더 낫더라
  • It's not enough to be poor, we have to prove it. Come on.
    그냥 가난뱅이가 아니라 확실하게 보여 줘야 돼
  • Now that you've met a rich man... you're complaining about me being poor?
    이제 부자놈 만나니 내가 가난하다고 불평하는 거야?
  • You may be poor or rich It doesn't matter which
    가난하든 부자이든 상관이 없답니다
  • I've been poor my whole life.
    난 평생 가난하게 살았어요
  • We know how to be poor.
    우리는 가난해진다는 것을 알아
  • Being poor is not an excuse to look like you are.
    가난한 건 핑계에 불과해
  • ♪ There was an old couple and they was poor
    고마워요, 나리 ♪ 늙고가난한부부있었네♪
  • She always said it's better to be poor and neat than rich and raggity.
    엄마는 한상 부자면서 단정하지않게 다니는거보다는 가난하면서 단정하게 다니는게 더 낫다고 한다
  • My family was poor.
    가난한 집에서 대표선수로 만든다고
  • Investing and ownership is really the only way to go from being poor to rich.
    투자와 자기 사업만이 부자가 될 수 있는 유일한 방법이지
  • Say it, bright one! Solange will marry the sculptor. She'll have children, be poor and unhappy
    말해봐 꾀바른 놈을,조각가랑 결혼해서 애를 낳은 후 가난하고 불행하게 살지
  • (chuckling): Not without incident. DEMELZA: ♪ There was an old couple and they was poor
    구경거리가 없진 않았어
  • You said I complained about you being poor... but have you ever thought about... what our real problem was?
    네가 가난하다고 불평만 했다고 하지만 우리 진짜 문제가 뭔지 넌 생각해 봤어?
  • As mentioned previously Ramanujan's family was poor but respectable.
    이전에 언급한 Ramanujan의 가족으로 가난해고 그러나 존경할 만했다.
  • A message sent and 10 be poor people go.
    보낸 메시지 및 10은 가난한 사람들이 이동합니다.
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